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The Deep Learning Podcast

Discover the stories, challenges, and innovations that are shaping the future of AI from some of the brightest minds in research, application, and industry. The Deep Learning Podcast, powered by Deci, talks about all things deep learning—from computer vision to generative AI.

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The Deep Learning Podcast
The Deep Learning Podcast
Harnessing AI Agents with Abi Aryan

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Harnessing AI Agents with Abi Aryan

Harnessing AI Agents with Abi Aryan

Discover how large language models are revolutionizing industries like e-commerce, insurance, media, and entertainment

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Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and More with Eugene Khvedchenia

Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and More with Eugene Khvedchenia

Deep dive into machine learning, software development, and deep learning with a Kaggle Master

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Graph Neural Networks with Kyle Kranen

Graph Neural Networks with Kyle Kranen

Understand graph neural networks and overcome challenges in handling complex relationships within data

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Music Generation Using AI with Dr. Tristan Behrens

Music Generation Using AI with Dr. Tristan Behrens

Dive into the intriguing world of creativity driven by AI

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Machine Learning Interpretability with Serg Masis

Machine Learning Interpretability with Serg Masis

Discover insights into machine learning interpretability and its role in responsible and effective AI applications

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Reinforcement Learning with Susan Shu Chang

Reinforcement Learning with Susan Shu Chang

Delve into the practical applications of reinforcement learning in real-world scenarios

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Model Deployment, Search, and Career with Mark Moyou 

Model Deployment, Search, and Career with Mark Moyou 

Navigate the complexities of transitioning from research to real-world applications

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Deep Learning for Structured Data with Mark Ryan

Deep Learning for Structured Data with Mark Ryan

Dive into deep learning techniques for tabular data, exploring the challenges, possibilities, and real-world applications

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					from transformers import AutoFeatureExtractor, AutoModelForImageClassification

extractor = AutoFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained("microsoft/resnet-50")

model = AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained("microsoft/resnet-50")